The not so daily ramblings of a Stay At Home Mom, whose blog has become proof that chaos can be fun, and occasionally worth all the trouble! So sit back, relax and be thankful you aren't my neighbor!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
got Park?
This is what four hours at the park will do to your children! Too bad my littlest runt took her nap at the park or I would have had a blissful afternoon. Oh well, three out of four ain't bad!!
Anden (top)
They took all of the pillows off of the couch, and then stripped down all the beds, and if you look close enough, you can see the twins with their giant Teddy Bears, and the spiderman looking thing next to Ashy is his Build-a-Bear! Too Cute!!
Wow. They zonked right out. I guess we missed out on the late hour fun of the park today. 4 hours. That may be a record. Kids are so extra cute when they are sleeping...especially with teddy bears!
Here's proof that I do actually read your blog. Your colors are so very you-- red, black. Tre chic! You've got some mad blogging skills, girl. You'll have to show me all your fancy shmancy tricks with the music in the background. Love it.
I love the park. Mix sunshine and friends, stir in lots of running around and you get that. Love it - we had one of those crashes too and I enjoyed my two hours of peace before Matt got home. Let's do it again this Friday!
Okay, lady...just when I have all the time in the world to read my friends' blogs, there are no new posts from you. What's up with that? You think having four children and a husband is any excuse not to provide me with entertainment? Get on it girl. I must see more Holley Happenings.
That is too cute. I love how the fresh air and sunshine zonks kids right out. Too bad it's pouring buckets lately? I'll bet the boys are bouncing off the walls. I'd better call you and have them come over and bounce off my walls.
Wow. They zonked right out. I guess we missed out on the late hour fun of the park today. 4 hours. That may be a record.
Kids are so extra cute when they are sleeping...especially with teddy bears!
sorry. I guess I was logged on under Spencer's blogger account.
Wow- wish we could have stayed and played longer. We never get naps anymore!
Here's proof that I do actually read your blog. Your colors are so very you-- red, black. Tre chic! You've got some mad blogging skills, girl. You'll have to show me all your fancy shmancy tricks with the music in the background. Love it.
That is too cute and precious! Boys are great! They're pretty creative too...
Four hours at the park would wear me out! Cute photos.
Your boys are too cute! Thanks for posting!!
I love the park. Mix sunshine and friends, stir in lots of running around and you get that. Love it - we had one of those crashes too and I enjoyed my two hours of peace before Matt got home. Let's do it again this Friday!
Okay, lady...just when I have all the time in the world to read my friends' blogs, there are no new posts from you. What's up with that? You think having four children and a husband is any excuse not to provide me with entertainment? Get on it girl. I must see more Holley Happenings.
That is too cute. I love how the fresh air and sunshine zonks kids right out. Too bad it's pouring buckets lately? I'll bet the boys are bouncing off the walls. I'd better call you and have them come over and bounce off my walls.
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