Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ode to 'Joy' School

Sorry, the music for this post has been changed, but if you would have looked at my blog the day this posted you would've enjoyed a rockin' version of 'Ode to Joy' by Beethoven.

The boys all started preschool last week, and it has been such a 'joy'. It is a co-op Joy School with other Mom's and we rotate between houses. We have jokingly called it the boys club, because between both classes there is not one girl among them! The twins are with four of their friends, and my turn to teach is next week. I believe I have Health and Nutrition! Yeah for me, I will post on that next week! The older boys go Tues/Thurs from 9-11:30, and after two weeks I have seen such a change in them, somehow they seem so much older and they take school very seriously. I use the term school loosely because I am not as concerned with academics as I am with them having a love for learning, and enjoy the process rather than doing a bunch of worksheets, or tracing letters. All of the Mom's on board are really hands on, and so far so much fun! I could not have asked for a better group of ladies, thanks gals, you're the best. This week was my first week to teach Ashden's friends one day a week for an hour and a half and Wow, that was an hour and a half of the 'horse and pony show' staring me in all my glory. We sang, we danced, we hunted for Dinosaurs, made Lion faces, read books, and in my nicest Mommy voice quickly diverted four 3 year olds and two four year olds (Aiden and Anden), from wrestling each other the entire time! Those boys have energy, I need to bottle it up and make myself some money! Oh, did I mention I was also trying to entertain my one year old as well, that didn't go quite as well, and I wish I would have taken a picture of the mess she created why I was busily trying to do craft time with the crew. It was definitely an 'are you kidding me' moment. Only two feet away from me she carefully pulled the soda crackers from the cupboard and poured them all over the floor, and somehow managed to pull the lid off of her milk and make a paste like substance. She was being quiet so why would I be worried? Note to self, if one year old child is ever quiet for more than three minutes, trouble is brewing. But even after all of that it was so much fun and I wouldn't trade it for the world, they are only little for a short while, and I would rather spend my time teaching and playing, than having some 'Mommy time' (although the weeks I am not teaching are turning out to be like a little retreat, who knew that having one or two kids gone could make such a difference in my sanity!). I know I will have plenty of me time when I am no longer the coolest person in their life. So here goes to many years of Joy School, maybe after the third or fourth year I will be singing a different tune, but for now it is an 'Ode to Joy' for me!!


Kristi said...

Why didn't I take your boys and Adeline home with me while you taught? That would have made for less stress for you.
I love you attitude about enjoying the crazy while you can. It is so true.
I am sure I will have some fun tales to tell next week when it is my turn.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

So fun!! Cute post. . .